This article explains the minimal necessary steps to set up a new project, add forms (for tickets), upload plans and add users. You also learn some basics about permissions, roles and how to create/invite new users.
Access & Permissions
Probably only a few users in your organisation will have the permissions to set up new projects.
The account owner (= who created the account by registering for a PlanRadar trial) always has full permissions. It is possible to grant these permissions also to other users. Read more below in Permissions.
Invite Users
There are two options to add new users to your account:
- Invite user: The user gets an invitation email that he/she needs to accept. Only then the user creation is completed and tickets can be assigned.
- Create user: The user gets created immediately and therefore you can assign tickets (and groups) already.
If a user with the same email address exists already in another account, you can only invite the user to your account.
Read more in Create & Invite Users.
Learn how to invite/create in-house users. It works the same for subcontractors and watchers, except that user permissions are only available for in-house users.
First navigate to Users:
- Hover over User Management
- Click Users
Invite a user
- Click Invite user
- Click In-House user to define the user type and to be able to define user permissions.
- Enter First name, Last name and Email (mandatory).
- (optional): Enter additional information about the user (Company, Position)
- Select the check boxes for user permissions to define which main menu items the in-house user can access. (not available for sub-contractors and watchers)
- Select a project in the Choose project drop down menu to assign the user to one or multiple projects.
- Select a Role in the Set role drop down menu to assign the user a role in the project.
- Enter personalised text that will be added to the invitation email.
- (optional): Select check box Save the invitation message to reuse it next time.
- Click Invite user to confirm and send the invitation message.
Create a User
- Click Create user
- Click In-House user to define the user type and to be able to define user permissions.
- Enter First name, Last name and Email (mandatory).
(optional): Enter additional information about the user (Company, Phone, Position, Address)
- Select the check boxes for user permissions to define which main menu items the user can access.
- Select a project in the Choose project drop down menu to assign the user to one or multiple projects.
- Select a Role in the Set role drop down menu to assign the user a role in the project.
- Click Save to confirm the creation of the new user.
Unconfirmed Users
After invitation, all unconfirmed users are listed here until they click the link in the confirmation email.
- Click Unconfirmed users
- Each unconfirmed users is listed here.
- (optional): Click Resend Invitation to send the invitation email again.
- (optional): Click Delete to cancel and delete the invitation.
Grant Permissions
In PlanRadar there are two main categories of permissions:
- User permissions: They define which items users are allowed to access in the main menu, independent from their permissions in individual projects.
- Role permissions: They define in detail what users with a specific role are allowed to do. Roles provide project-based permissions since adding users to a project always requires a role. Roles can even be used in the form editor to control access to each single ticket field.
The account owner (who created the account by registering for a PlanRadar trial) always has full permissions.
Grant Permission to Create and Manage Projects
To grant other users the permission to create and manage projects follow theses steps as the account owner (or as a user with the user permission "Users"):
- Hover over User Management
- Click Users
- Click on the row of an in-house user to open it
- Select Projects check box
- Click Save (you probably have to scroll down first)
Select Projects (only own Projects) check box to restrict access to only projects that the user created himself.
Grant Permission to Create & Edit Tickets
You probably want to create roles to define who can see and manage specific information in a project.
In the following example we grant the permission to create tickets and to view and edit all existing tickets in a project to an in-house user. First we create the role and then we assign the user with this role to a project.
Create a Role
- Hover over User Management
- Click Roles
- Click + Create role
- Enter a Role name (mandatory) e.g. Ticket Manager
- Scroll to the Tickets section
- Select the Create check box
- Select All tickets in the drop-down menu
- Click Save to confirm the creation of the role
- Click Run automatic assignment, because we want to add the new role to all form fields of existing forms.
Clicking Cancel will create the role, but it will not have access to any form fields until you update them manually in the form editor.
Read more in Field Permissions.
Add a User with a Role to a Project
- Hover over User Management
- Click Users
- Click on the row of an in-house user to open it
- Open the Choose project drop-down menu
- Select the project in the drop-down menu
- Open the Set role drop-down menu
- Select the role (e.g. Ticket Manager) in the drop-down menu
- Click Save (you probably have to scroll down first)
Set up a new project
To start working and creating tickets you need at least a project with:
- a layer (with or without a plan)
- a form (where ticket fields are defined)
- a user (to assign the tickets to)
Later on you might have more layers with plans for each floor of a project, multiple forms to cover all your use cases and multiple users working with tickets.
Use roles to define project-specific permissions for your in-house users. Read more in Permissions.
Sub-contractors and Watchers have predefined user permissions which cannot be changed. Read more in User Types.
Create a new Project
- Click Projects
- Click + Add new project
- Enter Project name (mandatory)
- (optional): Enter project details
(optional): Add custom project fields
- Click Save to confirm the creation of the project
Open/Edit a Project
After creating a project in the previous step, you are forwarded to the project view:
To get there later and view or edit a project:
- Click Projects
- Click the line of the project in the project list to open it
Add Users to a Project
Assign users that exist in your account to a project.
When you are in the project – also see Open/Edit a Project – continue with:
- Click Add Users
- Click Add User
- Select the check boxes of the users that you want to add. (in this example 2)
- Click Add 2 users (the button always shows the number of selected users)
- If you add an in-house user you must choose a role.
- Click Yes to confirm
Sub-contractors and watchers always have pre-defined permissions and cannot have a role.
Add a Form to your Project
A form defines which information is collected with a ticket.
The forms you created in your account (and those from demo projects) are available to be added to your projects.
Read more about Forms and about Create & Edit Forms.
To assign a form to a project:
- Click + Assign form
- Click + icon next to the desired form
- The form is displayed in the list of applied forms
- The default form settings (mandatory fields and assigned lists) are displayed and can be changed as described in Change Mandatory Field Settings and Assign a Default List.
- Click Apply
The apply button is disabled as long as there are list fields without assigned lists.
Configure a Form for your Project
A form may have some default field settings, e.g. some fields may be configured as mandatory, or lists may have already been assigned. Read more in:
You can override any form defaults and configure the form for your project as needed.
To edit an assigned form:
- Hover over the form in the list of applied forms
- Click the edit icon
Change Mandatory Field Settings
Mandatory fields must be filled before the ticket can be saved.
To make a field mandatory:
- Select the checkbox next to the desired field
- Click Apply
Remove the checkbox to make the field non-mandatory.
Assign a List
To assign a list to a list field:
- Select a list in the drop-down menu e.g. Type of Work
- Click Apply
To disable values in the list:
- Click the settings icon
- Clear the checkbox(es) of the desired value(s)
- Click Confirm (for long lists you need to scroll down)
To allow the selection of multiple values for this list field in the ticket:
- Click the settings icon
- Select the Allow MultiSelection checkbox
- Click Confirm (for long lists you need to scroll down)
Create a Layer & Upload a Plan
Plans are managed in layers. Layers are similar to folders to help you organise your plans and tickets.
Each plan must be assigned to a layer. Each layer cannot have more than one plan. Layers can also be used without a plan and they can be used with BIM models.
Read more in Plans and Layers.
When you are in the project – also see Open/Edit a Project – continue with:
- Click Plans and Layers
- Click Create layers
- Click Choose plan file to select a PDF, PNG or JPG file with your plan (or an IFC file if you want to upload a BIM model).
- The layer name is automatically set according to the file name, but can be renamed.
- Click Save to confirm the creation of the layer with the plan.
You can repeat step 3 to upload multiple plans before confirming with Save.
Read more in Upload Plans to Layers and in Manage Layers of a Project.
Manage Projects on the Mobile App
The project setup is usually done in the Webapp. Read about what you can do on mobile in the following articles:
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