Learn about plans in PlanRadar and what you should know when working with them.
Using plans in PlanRadar helps you to ensure that all members of a project always work with the newest version of a plan and that they can view them wherever they are, be it in the office on the computer, on-site while online or offline on smartphones or tablets.
Plans can be used to place ticket pins, so everybody knows exactly where a task or problem is located.
Read more in Tickets Plan View.
Plans & Layers
Plans are managed in Layers. Layers are similar to folders to help you organise your plans and tickets.
Each plan must be assigned to a layer. Each layer cannot have more than one plan. Layers can also be used without a plan.
Read more in Upload Plans to Layers.
Plan Versions
It is possible to upload new versions of a plan as described in Update Plans.
The old version can still be displayed if needed. If you want to save space and reduce the number of plans that you pay for there is an easy way to delete all old versions of a plan and only keep the current version. Read more in Delete Old Plan Versions in the Webapp.
You can also Check the Latest Plan Version with a QR Code or Download Plans with Ticket Pins.
Plan Comparison
The plan comparison tool calculates and highlights any differences between two plan versions to show you quickly what changed.
Read more in Compare Plan Versions.
Plan Files & Quality
When uploading plans you can provide them as PDFs or as image files.
PlanRadar has a sophisticated rendering algorithm with a tiling mechanism to ensure best display quality and performance when zooming in on a plan.
Make sure to upload high quality files. If the initial quality of a plan is too low, details will be missing when zooming in.
Go to Settings > Account > Account settings to check your 'Enable High-Quality Plans' setting. New accounts have it enabled by default. If you have an old account it might still be disabled.
Uploaded plans will show more details and higher resolution. This only applies to plans uploaded after this is enabled.
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