You can fully customize the access privileges of your in-house users.
- User permissions define which features they can access in the PlanRadar account.
- Role permissions define what they can do in each feature (create/view/edit/delete) per project.
- Field permissions define which role can view or edit each single ticket form field per project.
Permissions are managed only through the Webapp.
Access & Permissions
The account owner always has full permissions which cannot be revoked.
It is possible to allow other in-house users to manage permissions by giving them the user permission for Roles, Users and/or Projects. Read more below.
Subcontractors and watchers have fixed permissions. Read more in User Types.
User Permissions
User permissions limit a user's access to features in the main menu. Therefore, they are set when creating/inviting a new user or when editing users. They work independently from roles and projects.
Read more in Create & Invite Users and Configure User Permissions.
User (only subcontractor) allows to create/invite/manage subcontractors (but no in-house users).
Projects (only own projects) allows to create projects and edit them (but no projects created by others).
When the user permission Projects or Projects (only own projects) is granted, the user will have full access to the details and settings of all or only his projects, independent of any project details role permission.
If Projects or Projects (only own projects) is not granted, the Project details role permissions can be used to define who can view or edit projects details and settings of a project.
Role Permissions
Roles are used to define what users can do exactly within each single project.
First, you create a role to define detailed permissions for each feature e.g. whether this role can view/edit/create/delete tickets.
Read more in Create & Manage Roles.
When adding a user to a project you must choose one of the roles that were created before.
Read more in Manage Users of a Project.
Keep in mind that role permissions always apply to the users with this role in a specific project.
Role permissions are available for the following features:
- View: view project's schedule.
- Manage: includes all: create, view, edit, delete anything within a project's schedule.
- Create: create tickets in the project
- View: Viewing rights are activated by default to all user roles. However, you can restrict the type of tickets an in-house user with the role can view by selecting from the options available in the drop-down menu.
- Edit: Editing tickets is by default granted to all user roles. However, you can restrict what an in-house user with the role can edit by selecting from the options available in the drop-down menu.
- Delete: delete tickets
The SiteView role permissions are only visible if the feature is enabled for your PlanRadar account.
Read more in Activate SiteView in the Webapp.
- Create: Create and upload runs in SiteView.
- View: View runs and tickets attached to 360° images in SiteView. Available options are 'All runs' and 'Runs created by the user'.
- Edit: Edit, manage or rename runs and add tickets to 360° images and manage them in SiteView. Available options are 'All runs that the user can view' and 'Runs created by the user'.
- Delete: Delete runs in SiteView. Available options are 'All runs that the user can view' and 'Runs created by the user'.
Ticket Documents/Document by Layers
This section is only applicable to users subscribed to PlanRadar before March 2023.
Read more in Documents by layers.
Project Details
For in-house users that are not granted the user permission "Projects", you can allow them to view or edit project details using role permissions.
- View: this permission allows the user to view project details, users, user groups, forms, lists, as well as plans and layers.
- Edit: edit project details.
Project Reports
- Create: create project reports.
- View: Viewing project reports is by default included in all created roles. However, you can control what project reports the in-house user can view by selecting from the options available in the drop-down menu.
- Edit: edit project reports titles. You have to restrict this permission by selecting from the options available in the drop-down menu.
- Delete: delete reports. Use the drop-down menu to define which project reports the user can delete.
Document Management
Admin: Full access to every file and folder overriding individual file/folder access settings.
Access control: Allows user to enable access control per file/folder.
Read more in File/Folder Access Control. - Create: create documents in the project
- View: view documents in the project
- Edit: edit documents in the project
- Delete: delete documents in the project
Access settings override role permissions.
Read more in File/Folder Access Control > Change Permission for a Role or User.
Approval Requests
Approval Request access can be controlled with specific role permissions to define which in-house users can view, create, edit or delete approval requests in their projects in Documents.
Create: user can create approval requests
View: user can view either all or only approval requests he is involved in
Edit: user can edit (i.e. cancel or add steps to) all or only approval requests created by himself
Delete: user can delete all or only approval requests created by himself
Field Permissions
Roles are also used in forms to define which fields users can view or edit.
Read more in Field Permissions.
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