Apply different formats to the texts in your advanced ticket report templates. PlanRadar offers nearly all the possibilities that you know from other text editors including 14 different fonts.
Use the text formatting toolbar for all pages when you Create Advanced Ticket Report Templates.
Access & Permissions
To create or edit ticket report templates you need an in-house user with the user permission 'Templates'. Read more in Permissions.
Advanced ticket report templates are available for Pro and Enterprise plans. Read more in Pricing and Subscription.
The most common formatting options are accessible with one click:
The other formatting options are in sub-menus (note the icons with three dots):
Text Formatting
The following text formatting options you can apply before you write a text or by selecting a written text and then apply the formatting options.
You can also apply them to attributes as described in Add Dynamic Attributes to Ticket Reports (Advanced) > Format the Text of Attributes.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to apply them instead of clicking the icon. The shortcuts are displayed in the tooltips when hovering over the icon e.g. [Ctrl] + [B] for bold:
More Text Formatting Options
To show the second toolbar containing more text formatting options:
- Click the More Text icon:
It contains the following options:
Strike Through
Available Fonts:
- Arial
- Georgia
- Impact
- Tahoma
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Andale Mono
- Courier New
- Comic Sans MS
- Trebuchet MS
- Liberation Mono
- Liberation Serif
- Liberation Sans Narrow
- Liberation Sans
The text editor doesn't show your text in different fonts. To see the fonts use the preview as described in Create Advanced Ticket Report Templates > Show Preview.
Font Size
Text Colour
Select a predefined text colour or enter the HEX code of any custom colour.
Background Colour
Select a predefined background colour or enter the HEX code of any custom colour.
Inline Class: Code
Inline Class: Highlighted
Inline Class: Transparent
Inline Style Big Red
Inline Style: Small Blue
Clear Formatting
Alignment & Paragraph
Alignment and paragraph formatting applies to the whole line or paragraph and not to single words or characters.
Align Left
Align Center
More Paragraph Formatting Options
To show the second toolbar containing more paragraph formatting options:
- Click the More Paragraph icon:
It contains the following options:
Align Right
Align Justify
Ordered List
A default ordered list is using numbers:
Other options for ordered list are:
- Lower Alpha
- Lower Greek
- Lower Roman
- Upper Alpha
- Upper Roman
Unordered List
A default unordered list is using dots:
Other options for ordered list are:
- Circle
- Disc
- Square
Paragraph Format (Heading)
Paragraph Style: Gray
Paragraph styles can be combined on the same paragraph.
Paragraph Style: Bordered
Paragraph Style: Spaced
Paragraph Style: Uppercase
Line Height
In addition to the default line height you can choose:
- Single
- 1.15
- 1.5
- Double
Increase/Decreased Indent
You can insert the following elements:
Insert Horizontal Lines
Insert Images
To insert an image you have multiple options:
- Drap & Drop the image file
- Click on the drop area to open the file browser and pick a file
- Insert a URL:
- Paste the image from your clipboard with keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [V].
Insert and Edit Tables
Insert a table by defining the initial number of columns and lines.
When you click on an inserted table you have the following editing options:
- Table Header
- Table Footer
- Delete Table
- Row
- Insert row above
- Insert row below
- Delete row
- Column
- Insert column above
- Insert column below
- Delete column
- Table Style
- Dashed borders
- Alternative rows
- Borderless table
- Cell
- Merge cells
- Vertical split
- Horizontal split
- Cell Background Colour
- Vertical Align
- Top
- Middle
- Bottom
- Horizontal Align
- Align Left
- Align Center
- Align Right
- Align Justify
- Cell Style
- Highlighted
- Thick
Insert Links
When you insert a URL you can define a text for the link and if it should open in a new tab.
Insert Page Breaks
Insert page breaks to ensure the following content starts on a new page.
Quick Insert
Use quick insert for the following elements, when your cursor is at the beginning of a new line:
- Image
- Table
- Unordered List
- Ordered List
- Horizontal Line
- Click the + icon
- Select one of the quick insert elements:
Insert & Edit Images
Insert images as described above in Quick Insert or simply by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy an image and then Ctrl+V to paste it from your clipboard, e.g. to insert your company logo in the header.
Image Toolbar
There is a toolbar with additional options for pasted images.
It is not available for images that you have added with dynamic attributes such as ticket photos or project images as described in Add Dynamic Attributes to Ticket Reports (Advanced).
To display the toolbar:
- Click on the image
The toolbar provides the following actions.
To replace the current image with a different image:
- Click Replace
- Click Upload Image
OR use drag and drop
- OR Click By URL
- Enter or paste the URL of the image
- Click Replace
Image Caption
To add a caption under the image:
- Click Image Caption
- Enter the image caption
To remove the image:
- Click Remove
You can also remove an image as you would any text using the backspace or delete keys on your keyboard.
Insert Link
Add a URL that opens when the image in the report is clicked. To do so:
- Click Insert Link
- Enter or paste the URL
- Optional: Select the Open in new tab checkbox to prevent the home page from opening in the same browser tab as the report.
- Click Insert
Display (Inline or Break Text)
Choose how the image is placed in the text. To do so:
- Click Display
- Click Inline
OR click Break Text
You can apply one or more styles to the image, including rounded corners, display a border around the image and render a shadow. To do so:
- Click Style
- Click Rounded, Bordered and/or Shadow
Active styles have a dark grey background. Click them again to deactivate them.
Alternative Text
The alternative text is not visible in the report and is only relevant for screen readers or other accessibility features.
To add an alternative text:
- Click Alternative Text
- Enter the descriptive text
- Click Update
Change Size
To change the size of the image:
- Click Change Size
- Enter the Width in pixel
- Optional: Enter the Height in pixel (recommended to leave it at auto to maintain the aspect ratio of the image).
- Click Update
Instead you can also change the image size without using the toolbar. To do so:
- Drag and drop the corners
This automatically maintains the aspect ratio of the image.
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