PlanRadar provides secure REST APIs which are open to all customers for their own integrations.
On top of that PlanRadar also provides PlanRadar Connect to build custom automations and integrations with third-party applications without coding. Read more in PlanRadar Connect.
The REST API features resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.
Access & Permissions
Open APIs is only available for Pro & Enterprise accounts. Read more in Pricing and Subscription.
To use the Open APIs, you need an in-house user with the user permission 'API Access'. Read more in Permissions.
Use Open APIs
When using the APIs, you can send up to 30 requests per minute. Exceeding this limit results in disabling your authorisation token for 5 minutes. In case of special requirements please contact our support team.
API Access Authorisation
When consuming an API, you need to add the authorisation key as a header value of “X-PlanRadar-API-Key". The authorisation key can be obtained by generating Personal Access Tokens and using them to authenticate your API requests.
Available APIs
- Click Settings
- Click API Documentation
- Enter your password
- Click Confirm
- Select the feature you want to show its APIs
- A list of all of the APIs related to that feature will appear
We are currently working on upgrading all our APIs to v2. We recommend using the v2 APIs if it is available. V2 APIs are faster, robust and more flexible than v1 APIs.
Sample API Request
Here's a sample of using APIs to call project details:
GET /api/v1/{customer_id}/projects
Request body:
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": "Your Project Name"
Response body:
"data": {
"id": "aqbqod",
"type": "projects",
"attributes": {
"id": "aqbqod",
"name": "Your Project Name",
"homepage": "",
"country": null,
"projectnumber": null,
"description": null,
"city": null,
"zipcode": null,
"street": null,
"author-id": "pxpp",
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