PlanRadar Connect is our integration and automation feature that allows you to
- Connect third-party software without requiring any custom software development.
- Automate business workflows across cloud and on-premises apps with your PlanRadar account.
- Automate PlanRadar-only processes with the same approach as well.
It offers easy-to-use predefined automations (defined by recipes) that don't require coding.
PlanRadar also provides secure REST APIs which are open to all customers for their own integrations, as described in Open APIs.
Access & Permissions
PlanRadar Connect is only available for Pro & Enterprise accounts. Read more in Pricing and Subscription.
To use PlanRadar Connect, you need an in-house user with the user permissions 'API Access' and 'Accounts'. Read more in Permissions.
How to access PlanRadar Connect
- Click Settings
- Click Account
- Click PlanRadar Connect
Activate PlanRadar Connect
When accessing PlanRadar Connect for the first time, you’ll need to request activation through an activation form.
We recommend that you request an introduction when you complete the activation form. Completing the form will help us understand your integration requirements and allow our integration team to contact you for a comprehensive introduction, discuss best practices and showcase use cases tailored to your needs.
To request activation:
- Click Fill in the request form
- You will be redirected to the activation form, click Next
- Fill out the form
- Click Submit
- You will receive an email shortly informing you of the activation of PlanRadar Connect.
Create an Integration User
To use PlanRadar Connect, you must integrate it with your PlanRadar account. However, since actions performed through integrations are automated and cannot be linked to individual users in your account, it is recommended to create a dedicated user specifically for integrations. This approach centralises integration management to a single user, enhancing the security of your account.
Connect your PlanRadar Account
PlanRadar Connect is available through a partnership with Workato, a low-code platform integrated into PlanRadar. To begin using this solution, you must first link your PlanRadar account, allowing PlanRadar Connect to access data and perform actions within your account.
Learn more in Connect Apps with PlanRadar Connect > Connect PlanRadar.
PlanRadar Connect provides access to over 200 connectors for different applications. Each application has its own authentication options, allowing users to choose their preferred authentication method.
At the core of PlanRadar Connect are pre-built connectors that allow you to authenticate with the third-party software you want to integrate with, giving you access to the data stored in those systems. Each connection needs a one-time setup providing credentials to authorise itself during the execution of the automation. Connections are not tied to a recipe – a single connection can be used by multiple recipes.
Read more in Connect Apps with PlanRadar Connect
Recipes allow you to build automated workflows. They consist of two parts: triggers and actions. Triggers are events that trigger actions to take place.
You can build your own recipes, deciding the triggering event/s as well as the resulting action/s.
PlanRadar Connect already provides some basic recipes for typical workflows with third-party apps.
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