You may have started with Create a Ticket and progressed to Select a Form, or you may be editing an existing ticket. Here you will learn how to fill in the form of a ticket and about predefined and custom fields.
Tickets are based on a form. Depending on the form a ticket can have different input fields and features. Read more in Forms.
Tickets can have attachments, plan positions, GPS positions, sub-tickets and set repetition dates. It is described in separate articles which are listed in Create a Ticket > Possibilities of Tickets.
Access & Permissions
You need an in-house user with a role permission to edit or create tickets and the user permission 'Tickets & Project Reports'. Read more in Permissions. Subcontractors can only change the status and progress fields.
Predefined Fields
Predefined fields come with special functionality e.g. where you see the title, how the status is visualised or what happens with assignee, receivers and due dates.
The following predefined fields are available:
Each ticket should have a title. It helps to identify the ticket, besides the ticket ID, which is an automatically assigned sequence number. The title should briefly summarise the purpose of the ticket without being too long.
Speed up filling tickets by dictating title and other text fields with the speech-to-text feature on your mobile devices. Read more in Dictate Text when Creating Tickets.
Using the status field is recommended whenever you have a workflow where tasks or issues get assigned to be worked on and resolved.
Read more in Set Status & Progress of a Ticket.
Each status has a colour assigned.
Read more in Status Colours & Ticket Pins.
Track the progress as a percentage.
Read more in Set Status & Progress of a Ticket.
The assignee is the person who works on the ticket to resolve it.
Read more in Set the Assignee & Receivers of a Ticket.
Receiver (CC)
Add users as receivers to keep them informed about activities in the ticket - similar like the CC field in emails. They will get notifications as if the ticket was assigned to them.
Read more in Notifications & Message Center in the Webapp.
Due Date & Extension Date
Set a due date to automatically send reminders before the due date is reached. Use extension dates if the due dates were not or will not be met.
Read more in Set a Due Date or Extension Date for a Ticket.
The priority field is set to 'Normal' by default. You can change it to 'Low' or 'High' to show which tickets should get resolved first.
Parent Ticket
By selecting a parent-ticket your current ticket will become a sub-ticket of the selected parent-ticket.
Read more in Use Sub-Tickets.
Custom Fields
Custom fields have a custom name and one of the following field types assigned.
To set a date:
- Click Choose Date to open the date picker
- Click on the day to select it
- Select a month in the drop down menu before selecting a day
- OR click next month
- OR click previous month
- Select a year in the drop down menu before selecting a month
To change/delete a date:
- Click on the date to open the date picker and select a new date
- OR click X to remove the date.
To set a time:
- Enter the hours and minutes on the keyboard
- OR click on the hour icon
- Then click on the hours and minutes
To select one of the provided values of a list field:
- Click Select... to open the drop down menu
To search for values start typing when the drop down menu is open. - Click on the value e.g. Sunny to select it
To clear the selected value(s) from a list field:
- Click X
List fields may allow the selection of multiple values.
To select an additional value:
- Selected values are displayed with a grey background
- Open the drop down menu again to select another value
- Click on the value e.g. Windy to select it
To clear a single a single value from a list field:
- Click X next to the value
Short & Long Text
Short text fields are limited to one line.
Long text fields can have multiple lines. By default 3 lines are displayed, but you can drag & drop the frame to show more lines temporarily.
Speed up filling tickets by dictating title and other text fields with the speech-to-text feature on your mobile devices. Read more in Dictate Text when Creating Tickets.
Number & Decimal
Number fields allow only whole numbers, e.g. '25', while decimal fields accept decimal numbers. The decimal separator is always represented by a dot ('.') regardless of your language setting.
To enter a number or decimal number:
- Click on the field and start typing on your keyboard
- Or use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the number
If you get a validation error when saving the ticket you probably tried to enter a decimal number into a number field.
Check box
The check box field is clear by default. Select the check box to show the check mark.
When it comes to filters, a selected check box equals 'yes'.
Soon it will also be possible to use custom fields where users can be selected.
Mandatory Fields
Each field can be defined as mandatory, which means you have to fill it out before you can save the ticket.
Mandatory fields are highlighted with an '*' before the field name:
If you forget to fill out mandatory fields before saving a ticket, you will get an error and the required fields will get highlighted:
It is also possible that attaching a photo or video is mandatory. If not done you will also get a warning:
Field Permissions
Ticket fields for which you don't have edit permission are greyed out:
Ticket fields for which you don't have edit permission show a lock icon:
Save a Ticket
A ticket can be saved anytime if all mandatory fields are filled.
To save a new ticket:
- Fill out all mandatory fields
- Click Save to save the ticket and keep it open
- Optional: Click Save and close to save the ticket and close it
- Fill out all mandatory fields
- Click the Check mark to save the ticket and close it
- Fill out all mandatory fields
- Click Save to save the ticket and close it
Once saved, tickets are instantly synced across devices if you are online.
It is possible to create tickets while working offline. Then they are synced as soon as the device is back online. Read more in Working Offline.
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