Create custom forms to define which fields are available in your tickets. Add predefined fields such as Status or Assignee, and create custom fields for more flexibility to meet your specific needs.
To learn about forms in PlanRadar and how they relate to tickets, read more in Forms.
Access & Permissions
Creating and editing forms is only possible in the Webapp.
To create and edit forms you need an in-house user with the user permission 'Forms & Lists'. Read more in Permissions.
How to access Forms
- Click Forms and Lists
Create a Form
Forms are stored in your PlanRadar account and can be assigned to one or more projects.
To create a new form:
- Click + Create a new form
Form Name
Each form needs a name to identify it, e.g. when you Create a Ticket later.
To name a form:
- Click Enter form name
- Enter a name
- Click ✔ to confirm
Form Description
You can add an optional description, for example to explain to other users what this form is meant for.
To add a description:
- Click Enter form description
- Enter a description
- Click ✔ to confirm
Form Options
You can change the Form Options to determine whether tickets using this form can have attachments, comments, a plan position, and more.
Form Preview
To see what tickets will look like with this form:
- Click Preview form
Save Form
Make sure that none of your changes are lost while you create a form, and save it at any time.
To save a form, it needs at least a name:
- Click Save
When you create a form in this way, it is not automatically assigned to a project. For information on how to do this, see Manage Forms of a Project.
Field Types
There are two types of fields available:
- Predefined fields: They come out-of-the-box with special functionality like ticket's title, assignee, status, priority, etc.
- Custom fields: You can add your own fields by choosing one of the input types such as short or long text, date, number, checkbox, list, etc.
Read more about Field Types.
Add a Predefined Field
There are two different ways:
- To add a predefined field at the bottom of your form:
- Click on the field e.g. Status (under Add a field)
- To add a predefined field at a certain position in your form:
- Drag & drop the field e.g. Priority to the desired position
Note that predefined fields can only be added once. They will get a grey background in the list on the left hand side once used.
Create & Add a Custom Field
There are two different ways:
- To create and add a custom field at the bottom of your form:
- Click on the field type e.g. Short Text (under Create a field)
- To create and add a custom field at a certain position in your form:
- Drag & drop the field type e.g. Date to the desired position
Add Separators
Use separators to group fields in your forms and to separate them with a heading (separator field name) and an optional description.
There are two different ways:
- To add a separator at the bottom of your form:
- Click on Separator (under Add a field)
- To add a separator at a certain position in your form:
- Drag & drop the Separator field to the desired position
Field Properties
Click a field to show its properties on the right hand side: you can set the field name and description, assign a default list, set a default value, make a field mandatory and set field permissions.
To view field properties:
- Click on a field e.g. Short Text
- See all field properties on the right
Field Name
The field name is mandatory. Custom fields are named by the field type by default. To change it:
- Enter field name
The titles of predefined fields cannot be changed.
Field Description
The field description is optional. It is intended to help other users fill in ticket fields correctly. To enter it:
- Enter field description
The field description is available for both, predefined fields and custom fields.
Assign a Default List
After you created and added a custom list field, you can already assign a list to it. Note that only global lists can be assigned here. Project-specific lists can only be assigned later when using the form in a project.
Read more about Lists.
To assign a list to a list field:
- Select a list in the drop-down menu e.g. Type of Work
To disable values in the list:
- Click the settings icon
- Clear the checkbox(es) of the desired value(s)
- Click Close
To allow the selection of multiple values for this list field in the ticket:
- Click the settings icon
- Click Multi selection
- Click Close
When you add this form to a project, this list is selected. It is still possible to assign a different list or to change the list settings for each specific project.
Set a Default Value
The default value will be applied automatically on ticket creation.
To set a default value for a form field:
- Enter a default value
Depending on the field type this could also be a date picker, a drop-down list or a checkbox.
Make a Field Mandatory
Mandatory fields must be filled with a value before the ticket can be saved.
To make a field mandatory:
- Select the Mandatory checkbox
If you add this form to a project, this default mandatory setting will be filled in. It is still possible to change the mandatory setting for each specific project.
Set Field Permissions
By default, all available roles in the project can view and edit each form field, including roles that are created/added later.
To change field permissions for specific roles read more in Field Permissions.
Manage Fields
Change the Order of Fields
To change the order of fields in the form:
- Hover over the order icon
- Drag and drop the field to the desired position
Duplicate Fields
To duplicate a custom field:
- Hover over the field
- Click the duplicate icon
Predefined fields can only be added once to each form and, therefore, cannot be duplicated.
Remove Fields
To remove a field from a form:
- Hover over the field
- Click the remove icon
The title field is required and cannot be removed.
Edit a Form
To edit a previously created form:
- Click on the form
Make your changes as described above and don't forget to Save Form.
If you remove a predefined field that already has data in tickets, the data will not be deleted. If you add the predefined field to the form again, the data will be displayed again. It is not possible to remove a custom form field that already has data in tickets.
Related Video
This feature is also mentioned in this product update video.
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